How To Hire a Divorce Lawyer in Hackensack, NJ

The choices you make when hiring a divorce lawyer could affect the rest of your life. The terms of your...

How Does Child Custody Work After the Death of a Parent or Guardian in Hackensack, NJ?

Tragically, some children lose their parents at a young age. Growing up without both parents can be traumatic. The courts...

What Is Considered a Gray Divorce in New Jersey?

A gray divorce is a term used to describe a divorce case involving spouses over 50 years old. The terms...

Is Child Support Considered Income in New Jersey?

When negotiating a divorce settlement, experienced Bergen County divorce lawyers consider the future tax implications for their clients. The terms...

Can a Prenuptial Agreement Be Voided in New Jersey?

Parties enter a prenuptial agreement before marriage to avoid a “messy divorce” and costly litigation. The premarital agreement outlines the...

Can I Stop a Divorce if the Paperwork Has Already Been Filed in New Jersey?

When a spouse files for divorce, they are confident they want to end their marriage. They want to obtain their...

How To Accept That Your Marriage Is Over

Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that in 2020, 1,676,911 marriages and 630,505 divorces occurred in...

How Long Do You Have To Be Married To Get Alimony in New Jersey?

New Jersey is a state that recognizes the importance of alimony and has several different types of alimony available depending...

What Does Child Support Cover in New Jersey?

Child support is an important issue for many parents in New Jersey. This blog is dedicated to discussing the different...

What To Expect at an Initial Legal Consultation with a Family and Divorce Lawyer

When you are seeking legal counsel for a family or divorce matter, it is important to go into your initial...