How Long Do You Have to Pay Alimony In New Jersey?

If you are going through a divorce in which your spouse has requested alimony, you might be wondering about how...

How Does a Job Loss Impact Alimony in Bergen County?

New Jersey divorce laws allow courts to award alimony to a spouse. The amount of spousal support awarded depends on...

How Long Do You Have To Be Married To Get Alimony in New Jersey?

New Jersey is a state that recognizes the importance of alimony and has several different types of alimony available depending...

What is Palimony?

Unmarried couples do not have the same rights to support and property division as married couples. Therefore, a domestic partner...

What’s the Difference Between Alimony vs Spousal Support in New Jersey?

During a divorce, a New Jersey court may order one spouse to make monthly payments of alimony. Alimony, which is...