What To Expect at an Initial Legal Consultation with a Family and Divorce Lawyer

When you are seeking legal counsel for a family or divorce matter, it is important to go into your initial...

Can You Modify or Terminate Permanent Alimony in New Jersey?

You may think your alimony payments will never end. If you live in New Jersey, that could be the case....

Is There Common Law Marriage in New Jersey?

There’s a lot of confusion out there about common law marriage. People often think that if they live together for...

Do Grandparents Have Rights in New Jersey?

Most states limit the rights a grandparent has relating to their grandchild. The idea is that parents should have the...

Can Paternity Tests Be Wrong?

Advances in biology have created simple DNA tests. You can get a home test to discover your ethnic makeup and...

What to Include in a Prenuptial Agreement

There are many benefits of a prenuptial agreement. Couples entering into a prenuptial agreement negotiate the terms of the agreement...

How to Get a Marriage Annulled in NJ

The most common way to legally end a marriage in New Jersey is to get a divorce. However, this is...

What Is a Subpoena? 

The word subpoena means to be “under order” legally. This is a legal command from an official court, requiring someone...

Does New Jersey Recognize Common Law Marriage?

New Jersey does not recognize common law marriages that occurred within the state after December 1, 1939. Cohabitation, holding yourselves...

How To Find Cheap Divorce Lawyers in New Jersey

On average, the cost of a divorce in New Jersey can exceed $12,000. It’s understandable that some individuals think it...