Arons & Solomon Divorce Lawyers | June 10, 2019 | Articles
Life goes on after a divorce is finalized. While some couples part ways and never speak again, parents must find a way to coexist peacefully in the best interests of their children.
We get it. Communication issues are often a cause for the divorce in the first place. Speaking with an ex-spouse can be tense, and sometimes downright painful. For most divorced couples, less interaction is more.
The best way to avoid conflict is to stay organized. Having a structured routine keeps co-parents on the same page without sending hundreds of messages back and forth. Below are 5 apps that help divorced parents facilitate information-sharing without the drama.
1) Our Family Wizard
Our Family Wizard is a one-stop-shop for successful co-parenting. It provides a shared calendar of custody, visitation, and all other appointments and activities. It specifies the pickup and drop-off parent for each calendar item. Schedule change requests can be asked and answered with a time-stamped record of the exchange.
A secure message platform allows parents to send notes with attachments and prohibits any exchanges from being altered or deleted. This provides an accurate (and time-stamped) record of conversation that can be provided to the courts in the event of a future conflict.
The expense log allows both parents to submit expenses with receipt photos attached. They can request and receive documented reimbursements from linked PayPal and checking accounts.
Important resources can be shared in the “Info Bank,” which provides a secure location for medical and insurance information, emergency contacts, personal records, clothing sizes, allergy information, and more. Parents can also create private or shared journal entries to keep a time-stamped record of important events, exchanges, and incidents.
2) Talking Parents
Talking Parents allows parents to communicate on a secure platform that cannot be altered or edited. This provides an accurate (and time-stamped) record of conversation that can be provided to the courts in the event of a future conflict. Knowing the conversation is “on the record” holds both parties accountable to their words and tends to keep exchanges respectful and constructive.
The messaging platform allows you to upload file attachments, which is a great way to share medical records, school documents, and other important information. The program also features a shared calendar of custody, visitation, extracurricular activities, school calendars, medical appointments, and other important dates in your children’s lives.
3) Custody X Change
Custody X Change provides basic software for one parent to create a parenting plan, a custody schedule, track expenses, and keep a time-stamped journal. It tracks parenting time, so you can compare your actual parenting time to what was agreed upon.
Reports and calendars are printable, which means you can bring them to appointments with your divorce lawyer and have organized records for court appearances or upcoming negotiations. You can give copies of the calendar to the other parent, but the software itself is not meant to be shared.
4) 2houses
2Houses provides a shared calendar of the custody and visitation schedule and any other important activities and appointments. A parent can submit a schedule-change request in the app, and the other parent can approve, deny, or request an alternate date. The calendar can also be shared with third parties, including family members or caretakers.
The program tracks expenses by category, with a running balance of who owes what. A secure messaging feature ensures all conversations happen in the same place and cannot be deleted. The information bank allows co-parents to store contact, medical, and other important records in a single, convenient location.
5) Coparently
Coparently provides a shared custody calendar, expense tracking, and messaging platform. The expense tracking feature allows users to assign a “percent contribution” to each parent that can automatically calculate how much is owed by each party.
The platform includes a shared directory of contacts for easy access to medical and caregiver information, and allows for “guest access,” which can include family members, caregivers, and lawyers.
Always Consult a Divorce Lawyer to Create a Custody Schedule
These apps are valuable tools to assist you in the daily execution of your divorce decree, but they are no substitute for legal counsel. Always consult an experienced family lawyer to make sure your divorce and custody arrangements protect your best interests.
Arons & Solomon Divorce Lawyers has decades of experience helping New Jersey and New York families transition into a post-divorce lifestyle that minimizes conflict and preserves emotional health.
Contact the Bergen County Family and Divorce Law Firm of Arons & Solomon Divorce Lawyers for more help
Contact the experienced family attorneys at Arons & Solomon Divorce Lawyers today for legal assistance. Visit our law office in Bergen County or give us a call at (201) 487-1199 to schedule an appointment. to schedule a free consultation with our team.
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