7 Must-Know Tips for Newly Divorced Women Re-Entering the Workforce

In most marriages, both individuals enter the relationship with their own careers and income streams. When vows are exchanged, and...

Does New Jersey Have “Parental Kidnapping” Laws?

The short answer: Yes. The long answer: When a parent does not believe a custody order is fair, they will...

Debt and Divorce in New Jersey: How is it Split?

During a divorce, most people focus on the division of assets: Who gets the house? What happens to our retirement...

Can I Change My Child’s Name After Divorce in New Jersey?

Many individuals choose to return to a maiden or birth name following a divorce. If you changed your name during...

Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights in New Jersey?

Divorce holds consequences for the entire family, not just parents and children. It’s normal for grandparents to worry about how...

How to Restore Your Maiden Name in New Jersey

New Jersey divorce law does not require people to change their names following a divorce, but many individuals choose to...

Is a New Jersey Prenuptial Agreement Right for You?

Nobody wants to think about ending a marriage, especially before it has officially begun. Still, a prenuptial agreement can be...

Is January Really “Divorce Month?”

The month of January has long held the reputation of “divorce month.” Family law experts claim to see a surge...

Annulment vs Divorce: What’s the Difference?

There are two ways to legally end a marriage in the State of New Jersey: divorce and annulment. Consult the...

Five Helpful Professionals for Your Divorce Team

Successful divorce starts with choosing the right team. Every divorce is different, because every family is different. The professionals on...